These unique group coaching programs dive into the Everyday Basics of Ayurveda. These courses are delivered in a modern and Divine Feminine way that allows for your individual uniqueness to thrive and shine through.

If you’re wanting to expand your understanding of healing through the ancient principles and practices of Ayurveda. You may want to expand your yoga practice by including & incorporating Ayurveda as a way to thrive and sustain yourself and your practice.  Ayurveda is a way to get to that next level of self- awareness and connecting to your innate inner wisdom that allows you to  live your best life full of vitality. Give yourself the ability to live a life of harmony, simplicity, of increased energy and vitality.

Who are these programs for?

  • You’ve been wanting to learn more about Ayurveda, but not sure where to start

  • You want to learn more about how you can incorporate daily routines that assist to nourish you and create more balance in your life

  • You want to discover what makes you YOU.

  • Discovering your doshic constuition

  • You know your doshic constuition, however your confused what to do to make you feel your best

The knowledge you’ll gain through these group coaching programs:

  • Attuning to your own body and trusting its wisdom to nourish it deeply on all levels

  • To really connect with practices, routines and principles that are the right fit to your uniqueness

  • Preparing meals that sustain optimal well-being

  • Determine ways that increase your energy and vitality 

  • The basic information you need to begin incorporating Ayurveda into you daily routine

  • The information you need to discover more about yourself, your dosha and how to make choices that keeps you balanced

  • Guidance on addressing imbalances in your body

  • Living attuned to the seasons, times of day and life cycles

  • Step-by-step tools on agni (digestive fire) it’s importance and how to support the digestion

  • Discover more awareness around meals, the six tastes and ensuring optimal balance

Free Clarity Call

If your interested, however not sure it it’s the right fit for you, schedule a call and let’s explore it together.

Are you ready?

  • to invest in yourself and make it your priority on how well or good you feel.
  • are you ready to find health and to live life to it's fullest
  • wanting more connection to your inner wisdom
  • looking for a place that allows growth for self-awareness and guides you to life choices that supports, sustains and heals you
  • you've tried the diets, the fitness workouts that never really felt right or individual and unique as you are
  • wanting to make choices that are best for you, that empower you.
  • having that nudge that there's more to your yoga practice.
  • want to restore a sense of balance to your health and life
  • you want to learn how to fuel your digestive fire (agni), that increases your energy levels
  • you want to learn how to shift and change your diet and lifestyle practices that connect with the seasons

Meet Your Coach

Natasha is the founder of Ayurvedic Wellness by Natasha and the author of the book AYURVEDA: Getting Started & Simple Daily Practices. Natasha is a registered certified instructor of yoga, pilates as well as a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. Natasha is a certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach/Health Counsellor through Shakti School.

Her ability to inspire and share this ancient wisdom in an easy, practical and digestible manner with an unique playfulness, which allows for taking this knowledge and being able to incorporate it into your life with ease, grace and confidence.